Qůl City sunrise and sunset
feels like
8 October
- sunrise: 06:27 AM
- sunset: 05:56 PM
feels like
9 October
- sunrise: 06:28 AM
- sunset: 05:55 PM
feels like
10 October
- sunrise: 06:29 AM
- sunset: 05:53 PM
feels like
11 October
- sunrise: 06:30 AM
- sunset: 05:52 PM
feels like
12 October
- sunrise: 06:31 AM
- sunset: 05:50 PM
feels like
13 October
- sunrise: 06:32 AM
- sunset: 05:49 PM
feels like
14 October
- sunrise: 06:33 AM
- sunset: 05:47 PM
feels like
15 October
- sunrise: 06:34 AM
- sunset: 05:46 PM
feels like
16 October
- sunrise: 06:35 AM
- sunset: 05:44 PM
feels like
17 October
- sunrise: 06:36 AM
- sunset: 05:43 PM
feels like
18 October
- sunrise: 06:37 AM
- sunset: 05:42 PM
feels like
19 October
- sunrise: 06:38 AM
- sunset: 05:40 PM
feels like
20 October
- sunrise: 06:39 AM
- sunset: 05:39 PM
Moderate rain
Qůl City weather forecast
06:58, Monday, 7 October 2024
- day: +5°
- humidity: 88%
- sunrise: 06:26 AM
- moonrise: 10:50 AM
- moon phase: Waxing Crescent
- night: +1°
- wind: 7 km/h
- sunset: 05:58 PM
- moonset: 08:03 PM
- moonlight: 15%
Qůl City hourly weather forecast
00:00 | +3° | words.Moderate or heavy snow in area with thunder | |
01:00 | +3° | words.Moderate or heavy snow in area with thunder | |
02:00 | +2° | words.Moderate or heavy snow in area with thunder | |
03:00 | +2° | words.Moderate or heavy snow in area with thunder | |
04:00 | +2° | words.Moderate or heavy snow in area with thunder | |
05:00 | +1° | Heavy snow | |
06:00 | +2° | words.Moderate or heavy snow in area with thunder | |
07:00 | +2° | words.Moderate or heavy snow in area with thunder | |
08:00 | +2° | words.Moderate or heavy snow in area with thunder | |
09:00 | +2° | words.Moderate or heavy snow in area with thunder | |
10:00 | +3° | Moderate or heavy snow showers | |
11:00 | +3° | words.Moderate or heavy snow in area with thunder | |
12:00 | +4° | words.Light sleet showers | |
13:00 | +5° | words.Patchy light snow in area with thunder | |
14:00 | +5° | words.Patchy light snow in area with thunder | |
15:00 | +5° | words.Patchy light snow in area with thunder | |
16:00 | +5° | words.Light sleet showers | |
17:00 | +5° | words.Patchy light snow in area with thunder | |
18:00 | +5° | words.Patchy light snow in area with thunder | |
19:00 | +4° | words.Moderate or heavy snow in area with thunder | |
20:00 | +3° | Moderate or heavy snow showers | |
21:00 | +3° | words.Patchy light snow in area with thunder | |
22:00 | +3° | words.Thundery outbreaks in nearby | |
23:00 | +3° | words.Partly Cloudy |
Weather in other regions : Tajikistan
- Ким: + 10°
- Гумбулок: + 13°
- Каирма: + 10°
- Гулобод: + 16°
- Ганчи: + 10°
- Эзганд: -2°
- Артуч: -6°
- Кумарг: -3°
- Пархар: + 13°
- Вешканд: -1°
- Хирсхона: + 7°
- Гарибак: + 7°
- Душанбе: + 13°
- Дусти: + 16°
- Калаидашт: + 1°
- Айни: -1°
- Росровут: + 8°
- Урметан: -3°
- Саркокуль: + 13°
- Кулькент: + 10°
- Вен: -6°
- Даштикозы: + 10°
- Сангвор: -3°
- Бедак: + 8°
- Сарбанд: + 14°
- Чубек: + 15°
- Хаирават: -3°
- Йори: + 10°
- Вешист: + 11°
- Яркутан: + 9°
- Янгикишлак: + 11°
- Учбог: + 10°
- Газнич: -5°
- Оббурдон: + 10°
- Такоб: -4°
- Симигандж: + 11°
- Гарм: + 1°
- Алакджар: + 5°
- Вору: -6°
- Обикиик: + 11°
- Вашан: -3°
- Джонбахти Поен: + 6°
- Советский: + 14°
- Оксу: + 12°
- Рарз: -1°
- Уткансу: + 10°
- Сокан: -3°
- Димнора: -7°
- Нефтобод: + 10°
- Мучун: + 10°