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Estonia weather forecast

The weather in Estonia can vary greatly depending on the season. During the summer months, temperatures can reach 20 degrees Celsius, while in winter it can drop below zero.

Currently, the weather in Estonia is mild, the air temperature is about 10 degrees. Rain is possible at the end of the day.

If you\'re wondering what the weather will be like tomorrow, the forecast promises mostly sunny skies with temperatures in the mid-tens.

Looking at the weather for the week, the next few days are expected to be mostly sunny with moderate temperatures.

If you plan ahead and want to know the weather forecast for 3 days, then you will expect mostly sunny skies with temperatures in the mid-tenths. The 5-day forecast is expected to be mostly sunny with a small chance of rain and temperatures in the low to mid-tens.

The longer-term 14-day forecast is expected to be mostly sunny with some rain and temperatures in the mid-tenths. The forecast for 10 days is similar: mostly sunny skies and occasional rain, the air temperature will remain at the level of the mid-tenths.

In general, the weather in Estonia can vary greatly depending on the season. The weather is currently mild and the forecast for the next few days is mostly sunny with moderate temperatures. The long-term forecast for the next two weeks is mostly sunny weather with occasional showers and temperatures in the mid-tenths.

In addition to current and forecast weather, it is important to note that Estonia is known for its sudden weather changes. It\'s not uncommon for the weather to change quickly, so it\'s always a good idea to check the forecast regularly and be prepared for any sudden changes.
It is also worth noting that during the summer months the weather in Estonia can be quite humid, so it is important to remember to drink water and take breaks from the heat if necessary.
It is also worth mentioning that snow and ice can form in Estonia during the winter season, so it is important to take precautions while driving and be aware of possible slippery sections of the road.