Moderate rain
Kirove City weather forecast
01:59, Wednesday, 18 December 2024
- day: +8°
- humidity: 94%
- sunrise: 07:18 AM
- moonrise: 12:59 PM
- moon phase: Waxing Gibbous
- night: +5°
- wind: 19 km/h
- sunset: 03:47 PM
- moonset: 02:13 AM
- moonlight: 76%
Kirove City hourly weather forecast
00:00 | +6° | words.Partly Cloudy | |
01:00 | +6° | words.Partly Cloudy | |
02:00 | +7° | words.Patchy rain nearby | |
03:00 | +7° | words.Moderate or heavy rain in area with thunder | |
04:00 | +7° | words.Thundery outbreaks in nearby | |
05:00 | +7° | words.Overcast | |
06:00 | +7° | words.Patchy rain nearby | |
07:00 | +7° | Light rain | |
08:00 | +8° | Light rain | |
09:00 | +8° | Light rain | |
10:00 | +8° | Light drizzle | |
11:00 | +8° | Light drizzle | |
12:00 | +8° | Light rain | |
13:00 | +7° | Light rain | |
14:00 | +7° | Light drizzle | |
15:00 | +6° | Light drizzle | |
16:00 | +6° | words.Patchy rain nearby | |
17:00 | +6° | words.Overcast | |
18:00 | +6° | words.Overcast | |
19:00 | +5° | words.Overcast | |
20:00 | +5° | words.Patchy rain nearby | |
21:00 | +5° | words.Patchy rain nearby | |
22:00 | +5° | words.Patchy rain nearby | |
23:00 | +5° | words.Overcast |
Kirove City air quality
Carbon dioxide (mkg/m3): | 601.25 |
Azan (mkg/m3): | 32 |
Nitrogen dioxide (mkg/m3): | 16.28 |
Sulfur dioxide (mkg/m3): | 6.105 |
PM10 (mkg/m3): | 33.115 |
PM2_5 (mkg/m3): | 29.97 |
Weather in other regions : Ukraine
- Сокиряны: -5°
- Зимогорье: -6°
- Докучаевск: -5°
- Жуков: -10°
- Броды: -7°
- Долина: -9°
- Городня: -1°
- Павлоград: -6°
- Лохвица: -1°
- Нежин: -6°
- Калуш: -1°
- Голобы: -5°
- Оноковцы: + 1°
- Одесса: -3°
- Вышгород: + 2°
- Губиниха: + 4°
- Кролевец: -4°
- Гадяч: -7°
- Обухов: -8°
- Железный порт: + 4°
- Довбыш: -8°
- Отыния: -9°
- Егоровка: + 5°
- Рудно: -7°
- Очаков: + 10°
- Дергачи: -7°
- Испас: + 3°
- Смела: + 5°
- Новоселица: + 5°
- Журавно: -10°
- Пятихатки: + 8°
- Желтый Яр: + 9°
- Ворзель: -7°
- Раздельная: -5°
- Репки: -7°
- Жовчев: -8°
- Жовтневое: + 5°
- Острог: + 3°
- Доброполье: + 1°
- Мурованые Куриловцы: -7°
- Белополье: -7°
- Красноград: -2°
- Горенка: + 1°
- Запорожье: -6°
- Бобровица: -6°
- Барановка: -3°
- Марганец: -5°
- Дубовое: -2°
- Красный Лиман: -5°
- Городок: -0°
14 day and weekly weather forecast
feels like
12 December
- humidity: 84%
- sunrise: 07:19 AM
- day: +4°
- moonrise: 01:21 PM
- moon phase: Waxing Gibbous
- wind: 25 km/h
- sunset: 03:47 PM
- night: -2°
- moonset: 03:38 AM
- moonlight: 85%
feels like
13 December
- humidity: 70%
- sunrise: 07:20 AM
- day: -2°
- moonrise: 01:49 PM
- moon phase: Waxing Gibbous
- wind: 39 km/h
- sunset: 03:47 PM
- night: -5°
- moonset: 05:04 AM
- moonlight: 92%
feels like
14 December
- humidity: 62%
- sunrise: 07:21 AM
- day: -3°
- moonrise: 02:27 PM
- moon phase: Waxing Gibbous
- wind: 21 km/h
- sunset: 03:47 PM
- night: -6°
- moonset: 06:30 AM
- moonlight: 97%
feels like
15 December
- humidity: 78%
- sunrise: 07:22 AM
- day: +3°
- moonrise: 03:19 PM
- moon phase: Full Moon
- wind: 24 km/h
- sunset: 03:47 PM
- night: -4°
- moonset: 07:49 AM
- moonlight: 100%
feels like
16 December
- humidity: 85%
- sunrise: 07:23 AM
- day: +2°
- moonrise: 04:24 PM
- moon phase: Waning Gibbous
- wind: 31 km/h
- sunset: 03:47 PM
- night: -1°
- moonset: 08:52 AM
- moonlight: 99%
feels like
17 December
- humidity: 93%
- sunrise: 07:23 AM
- day: +6°
- moonrise: 05:40 PM
- moon phase: Waning Gibbous
- wind: 32 km/h
- sunset: 03:48 PM
- night: +2°
- moonset: 09:40 AM
- moonlight: 96%
feels like
18 December
- humidity: 83%
- sunrise: 07:24 AM
- day: +1°
- moonrise: 06:57 PM
- moon phase: Waning Gibbous
- wind: 41 km/h
- sunset: 03:48 PM
- night: -1°
- moonset: 10:14 AM
- moonlight: 92%
feels like
19 December
- humidity: 89%
- sunrise: 07:24 AM
- day: +3°
- moonrise: 08:12 PM
- moon phase: Waning Gibbous
- wind: 21 km/h
- sunset: 03:48 PM
- night: +0°
- moonset: 10:38 AM
- moonlight: 85%
feels like
20 December
- humidity: 70%
- sunrise: 07:25 AM
- day: -4°
- moonrise: 09:24 PM
- moon phase: Waning Gibbous
- wind: 29 km/h
- sunset: 03:49 PM
- night: -6°
- moonset: 10:58 AM
- moonlight: 77%
feels like
21 December
- humidity: 71%
- sunrise: 07:26 AM
- day: -3°
- moonrise: 10:32 PM
- moon phase: Waning Gibbous
- wind: 16 km/h
- sunset: 03:49 PM
- night: -7°
- moonset: 11:13 AM
- moonlight: 68%
feels like
22 December
- humidity: 67%
- sunrise: 07:26 AM
- day: -3°
- moonrise: 11:39 PM
- moon phase: Last Quarter
- wind: 18 km/h
- sunset: 03:50 PM
- night: -9°
- moonset: 11:27 AM
- moonlight: 59%
feels like
23 December
- humidity: 83%
- sunrise: 07:27 AM
- day: -1°
- moonrise: No moonrise
- moon phase: Waning Crescent
- wind: 21 km/h
- sunset: 03:50 PM
- night: -7°
- moonset: 11:40 AM
- moonlight: 49%
feels like
24 December
- humidity: 84%
- sunrise: 07:27 AM
- day: -0°
- moonrise: 12:44 AM
- moon phase: Waning Crescent
- wind: 9 km/h
- sunset: 03:51 PM
- night: -5°
- moonset: 11:53 AM
- moonlight: 40%