Slovakia weather forecast

Weather forecast for Slovakia is predicted quite accurately by international meteorological services. After all, there are distinct characteristics of the temperate continental climatic zone. The weather here is rarely changeable. In the summer months, the average temperature is kept in the range of +15 degrees, in winter - about -1 degrees Celsius. And the weather for today is predicted by many meteorological services. Including national ones. And our website contains data on what the weather will be like in Slovakia tomorrow, obtained from the average value from all meteorological services.

Climate features of Slovakia

In winter, the weather for tomorrow in Slovakia is often accompanied by low temperatures, but at the same time minimal air humidity. Therefore, the cold months here feel quite mild. It may turn out that the weather forecast for now indicates a temperature of -10 degrees. But it feels like 0 degrees. And this is precisely due to low humidity.

How often do you notice precipitation in the weather forecast for today? No, because the average annual value is only 700 millimeters. But at the same time, for that part of the country that runs near the mountain range, this figure is 1000 millimeters. For Bratislava and other regions - only 500 millimeters. Therefore, it is quite possible that in the weather forecast for 10 days there will be neither rain nor snow at all. Significant differences are very rare here. The weather for 5 days in most cases is not accompanied by fluctuations above 7 degrees Celsius.

Where to find the most accurate weather forecast

Weather forecast for 14 days is published on According to the users themselves, the deviation rarely exceeds 5 - 10%. We really have one of the most accurate weekly weather forecasts for Slovakia. After all, we take information from all weather services and give an average value.

For users, we publish the weather for tomorrow and the coming days absolutely free of charge. Detailing by day and hour is also freely available. Viewing the weather forecast for 3 days or more on a mobile phone is also quite convenient, as we have specially adapted the interface for smartphone screens. Moderators of regularly work on improving the weather forecasting algorithm.