
Patchy light snow

Shibee City weather forecast

04:59, Wednesday, 13 November 2024
  • day: -1°
  • humidity: 82%
  • sunrise: 07:51 AM
  • moonrise: 03:26 PM
  • moon phase: Waxing Gibbous
  • night: -13°
  • wind: 14 km/h
  • sunset: 05:59 PM
  • moonset: 02:02 AM
  • moonlight: 69%

Shibee City hourly weather forecast

00:00 -9° Patchy light snow
01:00 -8° Patchy light snow
02:00 -8° Patchy light snow
03:00 -10° Patchy light snow
04:00 -7° Patchy light snow
05:00 -6° Patchy light snow
06:00 -6° Patchy light snow
07:00 -7° Patchy moderate snow
08:00 -7° Patchy light snow
09:00 -6° Patchy light snow
10:00 -5° Patchy light snow
11:00 -4° Patchy light snow
12:00 -3° Patchy light snow
13:00 -2° Patchy light snow
14:00 -1° words.Patchy snow nearby
15:00 -1° Patchy light snow
16:00 -4° Patchy light snow
17:00 -6° Light freezing rain
18:00 -8° Light snow showers
19:00 -9° Patchy light snow
20:00 -10° Patchy light snow
21:00 -11° Patchy light snow
22:00 -12° Light freezing rain
23:00 -13° words.Patchy snow nearby

Shibee City air quality

Carbon dioxide (mkg/m3): 229.797
Azan (mkg/m3): 94
Nitrogen dioxide (mkg/m3): 1.795
Sulfur dioxide (mkg/m3): 0.359
PM10 (mkg/m3): 2.154
PM2_5 (mkg/m3): 1.436

14 day and weekly weather forecast

-1° feels like -15°
12 November
  • humidity: 63%
  • sunrise: 07:52 AM
  • day: -1°
  • moonrise: 03:50 PM
  • moon phase: Waxing Gibbous
  • wind: 14 km/h
  • sunset: 05:58 PM
  • night: -15°
  • moonset: 03:15 AM
  • moonlight: 79%
-1° feels like -8°
13 November
  • humidity: 83%
  • sunrise: 07:53 AM
  • day: -1°
  • moonrise: 04:16 PM
  • moon phase: Waxing Gibbous
  • wind: 16 km/h
  • sunset: 05:58 PM
  • night: -8°
  • moonset: 04:30 AM
  • moonlight: 88%

Weather site for all cities

Weather is a part of human daily life. Everyone should know the weather before making health and safety decisions. Daily weather reports so people can stay up to date with current conditions and make informed decisions. It is important to have accurate information about the weather so that people can take care of their health in the environment where they live.

First, it is important to understand what weather is and how it affects our daily lives. Weather is the state of the atmosphere at a given time: elements of air, water, sky and space. The weather changes from time to time and these changes affect our health and well-being. There are many types of weather such as heat waves, cold waves, rain, snow, etc. Different types of weather are caused by different factors such as oceans, air masses and winds. For example, when you are hot, it means that there is too much heat in the atmosphere - there is not enough coolness in the air to balance the heat. People react differently to different weather conditions. For example, people in cold climates wear layers of clothing to keep warm. People in arid climates also wear layers, but protect themselves from the sun with hats and sunglasses. Everyone knows how to deal with different weather depending on where they come from. This is based on how their body reacts to different temperatures - people in colder climates react to temperature changes more easily than people in temperate regions. Most cities have their own weather, which is influenced by the local geography and climate. For example, if you're from New York, you know that New York winters are harsh and unpredictable. At this time of the year, the city is often hit by storms or snowstorms; This is because New York City's location makes it prone to severe tropical cyclones and snowfall at this time of year. People living in cities like New York know how important weather information is these days. In other parts of the country, the seasons are not so severe; but they also lack reliable sources of weather data for their region. At this time of the year, the city is often hit by storms or snowstorms; This is because New York City's location makes it prone to severe tropical cyclones and snowfall at this time of year. People living in cities like New York know how important weather information is these days. In other parts of the country, the seasons are not so severe; but they also lack reliable sources of weather data for their region. At this time of the year, the city is often hit by storms or snowstorms; This is because New York City's location makes it prone to severe tropical cyclones and snowfall at this time of year. People living in cities like New York know how important weather information is these days. In other parts of the country, the seasons are not so severe; but they also lack reliable sources of weather data for their region. In other parts of the country, the seasons are not so severe; but they also lack reliable sources of weather data for their region. In other parts of the country, the seasons are not so severe; but they also lack reliable sources of weather data for their region.

Weather sites offer a lot to mankind in terms of accurate information about the state of the atmosphere at any given time. These sites show current conditions so people know what conditions are like where they live or work. People in arid climates find comfort in knowing where they can get water for their plants or plants depending on the current conditions. People in colder climates know that layers are essential for comfort in any season or climate. No one can fully understand what it is like to live under certain conditions until they experience those conditions first hand.