Moderate rain
Coimbatore City weather forecast
19:59, Thursday, 21 November 2024
- day: +29°
- humidity: 83%
- sunrise: 06:12 AM
- moonrise: 12:32 AM
- moon phase: Waning Crescent
- night: +23°
- wind: 14 km/h
- sunset: 06:00 PM
- moonset: 01:32 PM
- moonlight: 43%
Coimbatore City hourly weather forecast
00:00 | +23° | words.Patchy rain nearby | |
01:00 | +23° | words.Patchy rain nearby | |
02:00 | +23° | words.Partly Cloudy | |
03:00 | +23° | words.Cloudy | |
04:00 | +23° | words.Clear | |
05:00 | +23° | words.Clear | |
06:00 | +23° | words.Patchy rain nearby | |
07:00 | +23° | words.Patchy rain nearby | |
08:00 | +24° | words.Patchy rain nearby | |
09:00 | +26° | Patchy light rain | |
10:00 | +28° | words.Patchy rain nearby | |
11:00 | +28° | Patchy light drizzle | |
12:00 | +29° | words.Patchy rain nearby | |
13:00 | +29° | Light rain shower | |
14:00 | +29° | Light rain shower | |
15:00 | +28° | Light rain shower | |
16:00 | +27° | Light rain shower | |
17:00 | +26° | Moderate or heavy rain with thunder | |
18:00 | +24° | Light rain shower | |
19:00 | +23° | Light rain | |
20:00 | +23° | Light rain shower | |
21:00 | +23° | Patchy light drizzle | |
22:00 | +23° | words.Partly Cloudy | |
23:00 | +23° | words.Patchy rain nearby |
Coimbatore City air quality
Carbon dioxide (mkg/m3): | 308.95 |
Azan (mkg/m3): | 71 |
Nitrogen dioxide (mkg/m3): | 3.145 |
Sulfur dioxide (mkg/m3): | 4.44 |
PM10 (mkg/m3): | 13.875 |
PM2_5 (mkg/m3): | 9.62 |
Weather in other regions : India
- Агра: + 18°
- Бхивани: + 18°
- Поллачи: + 20°
- Нагеркоил: + 24°
- Чандрапур: + 17°
- Нандурбар: + 20°
- Шергати: + 17°
- Нандял: + 18°
- Парамагуди: + 23°
- Ранагат: + 20°
- Адони: + 20°
- Ратнагири: + 23°
- Дарджилинг: + 14°
- Индей Чхой: + 17°
- Шужалпер: + 16°
- Сринагар: + 3°
- Лахар: + 17°
- Индапер: + 19°
- Райгарх: + 16°
- Амалнер: + 20°
- Кожикоде: + 25°
- Пунаса: + 17°
- Мидинипур: + 19°
- Сейдхари: + 17°
- Рамгар: + 14°
- Хаджипур: + 18°
- Катихар: + 20°
- Набха: + 16°
- Шикарпер: + 17°
- Сатара: + 18°
- Гудиятхам: + 16°
- Амарнатх: + 21°
- Анантапур: + 21°
- Гонда: + 17°
- Тиндиванам: + 21°
- Мохали: + 14°
- Иттеймозхи: + 24°
- Бхиванди: + 25°
- Викарабад: + 19°
- Кумбаконам: + 22°
- Дханбад: + 19°
- Яерипок: + 13°
- Эйзхийюр: + 25°
- Дехри: + 17°
- Удупи: + 25°
- Зунхебото: + 10°
- Сереймпор: + 22°
- Сангли: + 19°
- Емейкейнмарди: + 19°
- Ераваконда: + 20°
14 day and weekly weather forecast
feels like
26 October
- humidity: 82%
- sunrise: 06:12 AM
- day: +29°
- moonrise: 01:24 AM
- moon phase: Waning Crescent
- wind: 15 km/h
- sunset: 06:00 PM
- night: +22°
- moonset: 02:13 PM
- moonlight: 34%
feels like
27 October
- humidity: 81%
- sunrise: 06:13 AM
- day: +29°
- moonrise: 02:11 AM
- moon phase: Waning Crescent
- wind: 13 km/h
- sunset: 05:59 PM
- night: +21°
- moonset: 02:50 PM
- moonlight: 25%
feels like
28 October
- humidity: 76%
- sunrise: 06:13 AM
- day: +30°
- moonrise: 02:56 AM
- moon phase: Waning Crescent
- wind: 14 km/h
- sunset: 05:59 PM
- night: +21°
- moonset: 03:25 PM
- moonlight: 17%
feels like
29 October
- humidity: 76%
- sunrise: 06:13 AM
- day: +30°
- moonrise: 03:40 AM
- moon phase: Waning Crescent
- wind: 13 km/h
- sunset: 05:59 PM
- night: +21°
- moonset: 03:59 PM
- moonlight: 11%
feels like
30 October
- humidity: 76%
- sunrise: 06:13 AM
- day: +31°
- moonrise: 04:23 AM
- moon phase: Waning Crescent
- wind: 13 km/h
- sunset: 05:58 PM
- night: +21°
- moonset: 04:33 PM
- moonlight: 6%
feels like
31 October
- humidity: 75%
- sunrise: 06:13 AM
- day: +31°
- moonrise: 05:07 AM
- moon phase: Waning Crescent
- wind: 14 km/h
- sunset: 05:58 PM
- night: +21°
- moonset: 05:09 PM
- moonlight: 2%
feels like
1 November
- humidity: 73%
- sunrise: 06:14 AM
- day: +31°
- moonrise: 05:53 AM
- moon phase: Новолуние
- wind: 13 km/h
- sunset: 05:58 PM
- night: +21°
- moonset: 05:47 PM
- moonlight: 0%
feels like
2 November
- humidity: 80%
- sunrise: 06:14 AM
- day: +29°
- moonrise: 06:40 AM
- moon phase: Waxing Crescent
- wind: 9 km/h
- sunset: 05:57 PM
- night: +21°
- moonset: 06:27 PM
- moonlight: 0%
feels like
3 November
- humidity: 84%
- sunrise: 06:14 AM
- day: +27°
- moonrise: 07:32 AM
- moon phase: Waxing Crescent
- wind: 7 km/h
- sunset: 05:57 PM
- night: +21°
- moonset: 07:13 PM
- moonlight: 2%
feels like
4 November
- humidity: 82%
- sunrise: 06:14 AM
- day: +28°
- moonrise: 08:25 AM
- moon phase: Waxing Crescent
- wind: 10 km/h
- sunset: 05:57 PM
- night: +21°
- moonset: 08:02 PM
- moonlight: 6%
feels like
5 November
- humidity: 87%
- sunrise: 06:15 AM
- day: +27°
- moonrise: 09:20 AM
- moon phase: Waxing Crescent
- wind: 8 km/h
- sunset: 05:57 PM
- night: +22°
- moonset: 08:56 PM
- moonlight: 11%
feels like
6 November
- humidity: 81%
- sunrise: 06:15 AM
- day: +28°
- moonrise: 10:15 AM
- moon phase: Waxing Crescent
- wind: 12 km/h
- sunset: 05:56 PM
- night: +21°
- moonset: 09:53 PM
- moonlight: 18%
feels like
7 November
- humidity: 85%
- sunrise: 06:15 AM
- day: +28°
- moonrise: 11:10 AM
- moon phase: Waxing Crescent
- wind: 13 km/h
- sunset: 05:56 PM
- night: +21°
- moonset: 10:50 PM
- moonlight: 27%