Light snow
Ming-Teke City weather forecast
10:59, Thursday, 28 November 2024
- day: -5°
- humidity: 92%
- sunrise: 08:00 AM
- moonrise: No moonrise
- moon phase: Last Quarter
- night: -13°
- wind: 6 km/h
- sunset: 05:47 PM
- moonset: 01:43 PM
- moonlight: 60%
Ming-Teke City hourly weather forecast
00:00 | -12° | Light snow | |
01:00 | -12° | Light snow | |
02:00 | -13° | Light snow | |
03:00 | -13° | Light snow | |
04:00 | -13° | Light snow | |
05:00 | -12° | Light snow | |
06:00 | -11° | Light snow | |
07:00 | -11° | Moderate snow | |
08:00 | -11° | Light snow | |
09:00 | -9° | Light snow | |
10:00 | -8° | Light snow | |
11:00 | -7° | Light snow | |
12:00 | -6° | Light snow | |
13:00 | -6° | words.Moderate or heavy snow in area with thunder | |
14:00 | -5° | words.Moderate or heavy snow in area with thunder | |
15:00 | -5° | words.Patchy light snow in area with thunder | |
16:00 | -5° | words.Patchy light snow in area with thunder | |
17:00 | -6° | Light snow showers | |
18:00 | -8° | Patchy light snow | |
19:00 | -11° | Patchy light snow | |
20:00 | -11° | Patchy light snow | |
21:00 | -11° | Light freezing rain | |
22:00 | -12° | words.Partly Cloudy | |
23:00 | -13° | words.Partly Cloudy |
Ming-Teke City air quality
Carbon dioxide (mkg/m3): | 206.421 |
Azan (mkg/m3): | 108 |
Nitrogen dioxide (mkg/m3): | 0.839 |
Sulfur dioxide (mkg/m3): | 0.839 |
PM10 (mkg/m3): | 2.685 |
PM2_5 (mkg/m3): | 1.678 |
Weather in other regions : Kyrgyzstan
- Найзатугай: -9°
- Чимбай: + 2°
- Паизбулак: + 6°
- Бозучук: -1°
- Ат Баши: -16°
- Алыш: -11°
- Герей-Шорон: + 3°
- Сегет: + 4°
- Зар-Таш: + 6°
- Фрунзе: -6°
- Ходжаяр: -6°
- Минбулак: -2°
- Алталу: -6°
- Светлая Поляна: + 2°
- Бирксу: -10°
- Шопоков: + 2°
- Осубек: + 2°
- Джаш-Ленин: + 1°
- Джон Первый: -10°
- Боз-Адыр: -6°
- Ош: + 7°
- Араван: + 7°
- Узбек-Авад: + 1°
- Боксы: -7°
- Гюльбахор: + 3°
- Токтоян: -6°
- Чон-Сары-Ой: -5°
- Орто-Кайырма: + 3°
- Жениш: -2°
- Джергетал: -0°
- Пригородный: + 2°
- Джолбарсту: + 0°
- Военно-Антоновка: + 6°
- Пылдырак: + 5°
- Базар Коргон: + 3°
- Халмион: + 5°
- Учорме: -13°
- Боз-Чычкан: + 1°
- Минг-Теке: -11°
- Лейлек: + 10°
- Рудник: -0°
- Узуншоро: -12°
- Джиль-Арык: + 13°
- Соколовка: -6°
- Андарак: + 3°
- Иныльчек: -16°
- Емгек: -4°
- Прогрес: + 2°
- Чон-Таш: + 1°
- Ленинчилджаш: -11°
14 day and weekly weather forecast
feels like
23 November
- humidity: 83%
- sunrise: 08:01 AM
- day: -6°
- moonrise: 12:10 AM
- moon phase: Last Quarter
- wind: 3 km/h
- sunset: 05:46 PM
- night: -19°
- moonset: 02:06 PM
- moonlight: 51%
feels like
24 November
- humidity: 82%
- sunrise: 08:02 AM
- day: -8°
- moonrise: 01:12 AM
- moon phase: Waning Crescent
- wind: 12 km/h
- sunset: 05:46 PM
- night: -21°
- moonset: 02:27 PM
- moonlight: 41%
feels like
25 November
- humidity: 76%
- sunrise: 08:03 AM
- day: -8°
- moonrise: 02:12 AM
- moon phase: Waning Crescent
- wind: 7 km/h
- sunset: 05:45 PM
- night: -21°
- moonset: 02:47 PM
- moonlight: 32%
feels like
26 November
- humidity: 66%
- sunrise: 08:04 AM
- day: -6°
- moonrise: 03:11 AM
- moon phase: Waning Crescent
- wind: 9 km/h
- sunset: 05:45 PM
- night: -20°
- moonset: 03:06 PM
- moonlight: 24%
feels like
27 November
- humidity: 61%
- sunrise: 08:05 AM
- day: -7°
- moonrise: 04:09 AM
- moon phase: Waning Crescent
- wind: 8 km/h
- sunset: 05:44 PM
- night: -19°
- moonset: 03:26 PM
- moonlight: 16%
feels like
28 November
- humidity: 62%
- sunrise: 08:06 AM
- day: -7°
- moonrise: 05:10 AM
- moon phase: Waning Crescent
- wind: 8 km/h
- sunset: 05:44 PM
- night: -19°
- moonset: 03:48 PM
- moonlight: 10%
feels like
29 November
- humidity: 65%
- sunrise: 08:07 AM
- day: -6°
- moonrise: 06:12 AM
- moon phase: Waning Crescent
- wind: 8 km/h
- sunset: 05:44 PM
- night: -19°
- moonset: 04:13 PM
- moonlight: 5%
feels like
30 November
- humidity: 69%
- sunrise: 08:08 AM
- day: -7°
- moonrise: 07:16 AM
- moon phase: Waning Crescent
- wind: 9 km/h
- sunset: 05:43 PM
- night: -17°
- moonset: 04:45 PM
- moonlight: 2%
feels like
1 December
- humidity: 76%
- sunrise: 08:09 AM
- day: -7°
- moonrise: 08:21 AM
- moon phase: Новолуние
- wind: 8 km/h
- sunset: 05:43 PM
- night: -18°
- moonset: 05:23 PM
- moonlight: 0%
feels like
2 December
- humidity: 93%
- sunrise: 08:10 AM
- day: -8°
- moonrise: 09:24 AM
- moon phase: Waxing Crescent
- wind: 4 km/h
- sunset: 05:43 PM
- night: -18°
- moonset: 06:10 PM
- moonlight: 1%
feels like
3 December
- humidity: 80%
- sunrise: 08:11 AM
- day: -12°
- moonrise: 10:22 AM
- moon phase: Waxing Crescent
- wind: 9 km/h
- sunset: 05:43 PM
- night: -23°
- moonset: 07:08 PM
- moonlight: 3%
feels like
4 December
- humidity: 69%
- sunrise: 08:12 AM
- day: -10°
- moonrise: 11:13 AM
- moon phase: Waxing Crescent
- wind: 6 km/h
- sunset: 05:43 PM
- night: -23°
- moonset: 08:13 PM
- moonlight: 8%
feels like
5 December
- humidity: 71%
- sunrise: 08:13 AM
- day: -13°
- moonrise: 11:55 AM
- moon phase: Waxing Crescent
- wind: 4 km/h
- sunset: 05:43 PM
- night: -23°
- moonset: 09:23 PM
- moonlight: 14%