Khorugh City moonrise and moonset
feels like
10 November
- moonrise: 01:59 PM
- moon phase: Waxing Gibbous
- moonset: No moonset
- moonlight: 58%
feels like
11 November
- moonrise: 02:26 PM
- moon phase: Waxing Gibbous
- moonset: 01:07 AM
- moonlight: 69%
words.Moderate or heavy snow in area with thunder
Khorugh City weather forecast
15:30, Saturday, 9 November 2024
- day: -1°
- humidity: 96%
- sunrise: 06:47 AM
- moonrise: 01:29 PM
- moon phase: First Quarter
- night: -6°
- wind: 12 km/h
- sunset: 05:08 PM
- moonset: 11:55 PM
- moonlight: 47%
Khorugh City hourly weather forecast
00:00 | -3° | words.Patchy heavy snow | |
01:00 | -3° | words.Moderate or heavy snow in area with thunder | |
02:00 | -5° | Patchy moderate snow | |
03:00 | -6° | words.Patchy heavy snow | |
04:00 | -4° | Moderate snow | |
05:00 | -5° | Patchy moderate snow | |
06:00 | -6° | Heavy snow | |
07:00 | -4° | Heavy snow | |
08:00 | -4° | Heavy snow | |
09:00 | -2° | words.Moderate or heavy snow in area with thunder | |
10:00 | -2° | words.Moderate or heavy snow in area with thunder | |
11:00 | -2° | Moderate or heavy snow showers | |
12:00 | -1° | words.Moderate or heavy snow in area with thunder | |
13:00 | -1° | words.Moderate or heavy snow in area with thunder | |
14:00 | -1° | words.Moderate or heavy snow in area with thunder | |
15:00 | -1° | Moderate or heavy snow showers | |
16:00 | -2° | words.Moderate or heavy snow in area with thunder | |
17:00 | -2° | words.Moderate or heavy snow in area with thunder | |
18:00 | -2° | words.Moderate or heavy snow in area with thunder | |
19:00 | -3° | words.Moderate or heavy snow in area with thunder | |
20:00 | -3° | words.Moderate or heavy snow in area with thunder | |
21:00 | -3° | words.Moderate or heavy snow in area with thunder | |
22:00 | -3° | words.Moderate or heavy snow in area with thunder | |
23:00 | -4° | words.Moderate or heavy snow in area with thunder |
Weather in other regions : Tajikistan
- Обикиик: + 10°
- Гумбулок: + 10°
- Ява: + 3°
- Амондара: + 6°
- Вешканд: -7°
- Бобосафоли Пойон: + 9°
- Бохтариён: + 12°
- Душанбе: + 6°
- Айни: -7°
- Гулобод: + 8°
- Тартики: + 10°
- Вору: -12°
- Чубек: + 9°
- Куйбишев: + 12°
- Джанбулак: + 5°
- Панджи Пойон: + 11°
- Джумабазар: + 9°
- Худгиф: -15°
- Гарибак: + 5°
- Янгикишлак: + 7°
- Табошар: + 3°
- Дектур: + 8°
- Диджик: -12°
- Пушинг: + 8°
- Куляб: + 6°
- Вен: -12°
- Дехисор: -15°
- Бустон: + 9°
- Новобод: -12°
- Зимпут: -12°
- Алакджар: + 6°
- Хакими: + 11°
- Джонбахти Поен: -2°
- Рушон: -19°
- Гусар: + 7°
- Хусанобод: + 7°
- Пархар: + 9°
- Кумарг: -7°
- Худжанд: + 4°
- Адрасман: + 4°
- Яхтан: + 5°
- Йори: + 7°
- Бедак: + 6°
- Хуморигунг: -11°
- Нефтобод: + 4°
- Номиткон: -9°
- Элиговора: -1°
- Каирма: + 5°
- Босхкенгасх: + 11°
- Учбог: + 3°